My first trip to Portland for seminary was…
worshipful, heart-wrenching, beautiful, tiresome, full of laughter, a constant community, & full of surrender….
A fellow student said it was like going up to Sinai for a week. I
agree. I have not been spiritually fed this much in over 10 years.
What a rush of living water.
We went to Imago Dei on Sunday while I was there, and I loved
learning new things from them. They had this beautiful practice of a
call to worship. Here is the link for the one I heard while I was there:
Call to Worship.
All of my classes, fellow students, services, & surroundings
called my heart into a constant state of evaluation, thanks, and
When you come down from a mountain, you strive to keep the feeling
you had at the top… I know it fades, but even if I could keep 20%, it
would be a great hydration from the desert I was living in. This is
what I strive to keep. I will hold onto as much as I can… until we
reunite again in February.
And in the meantime, I will strive to be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove.
Blessings to you.
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